• Fri. Jun 28th, 2024

What Is Mad Viking Games and MVG?

What Is Mad Viking Games and Ashes of Idunn? 

Mad Viking Games is a game development studio dedicated to creating a metaverse rooted in Norse mythology under the Ashes of Idunn brand. 

Key Takeaways 

  • Mad Viking Games is a decentralized game development studio focused on developing games set in ancient Norse Mythology under the Ashes of Idunn brand, designed to capture the thrilling events of these tales featuring NFTs.

  • GEMS and the MVG tokens will power the Mad Vikings Games ecosystem.

  • Mad Viking Games and the Ashes of Idunn Metaverse are a decentralized gaming venture trademarked in the United States.

Mad Viking Games is a blockchain-based game development studio that focuses on Norse mythology. To date, Mad Viking Games has released a VR application on Steam that offers an interactive expiration of NFTs within a virtual Viking environment, along with an AR application on mobile devices that brings elements of Norse mythology to the real world. The team has also announced the coming release of an extensive demo of the Ashes of Idunn – Tales of Fimbulwinter game.

Mad Viking Games and its metaverse, Ashes of Idunn, are officially trademarked in the United States ®. Ashes of Idunn ® will be the grand name that all games within the Mad Viking Games metaverse will be published under the Ashes of Idunn game collection. Mad Vikings Games is preparing to launch games on the BNB Smart Chain (BSC) and has released cinematic trailers of what their NFT characters will look like.

Introducing Mad Viking Games 

Mad Viking Games is a game development company led by Danish gamers and developers who are looking to create decentralized games based on Norse mythology. Under the Ashes of Idunn  brand, the development team will create games that utilize blockchain-based technologies like NFTs and fungible tokens along with hyper-realistic graphics and other gaming technologies.

Mad Viking Games is preparing for public launch on the Binance Smart Chain. In recent announcements, the project has shared sneak peeks of gameplay and cinematic trailers, along with what gamers can expect ahead of the launch. Alongside its metaverse platform – Ashes of Idunn, Mad Viking Games hopes to bring a new experience to the decentralized gaming community. 

What Is the Ashes of Idunn Metaverse? 

Ashes of Idunn will deliver the full experience of the Mad Viking Games via its metaverse platform. It will present games in the ecosystem in the most realistic form with 3D graphics suitable for Unreal Engine 5 (UE5) and relay in its full capacity, the immersive experience that Mad Vikings Games hopes to deliver to gamers. 

Within the Ashes of Idunn Norse-inspired metaverse, Mad Vikings Games plans to create an ecosystem of games. The gameplay features character creation and management, combat, and landscape all rooted in Norse mythology. Some of the Ashes of Idunn games in development as part of the Mad Viking Games portfolio include Tales of Fimbulwinter and The Ancestral Stones. 

Tales of Fimbulwinter is an open-world game where gamers can explore the torrid plains of ancient Nordic geography, battling the challenges along their path. The location setting starts with Midgard and expands to other parts of the nine realms. 

The Ancestral Stones is a turn-based strategy game where gamers can test their game strategy development and implementation abilities in PvP bouts using their NFT characters, making the game well-adapted to esports. 

Mad Viking Games will also be presenting their high quality NFTs through AR (Augmented Reality) and VR (Virtual Reality) experiences.

Mad Vikings Games’ AR application is available on Google PlayStore and the Apple Store as “Mad Viking Games AR Experience”. In the AR mode, gamers can interact with digital artifacts from Norse mythology in their physical space, blending the virtual with the real, where users can display and interact with NFTs by overlaying digital information onto the real world, enabling users to “carry” a piece of Norse mythology wherever they go. 

The VR experience for Mad Vikings Games is also available on Steam VR as the “Mad Viking Games VR Experience.” The VR mode launches gamers into a virtual environment, allowing users a first person interactive exploratory experience of Norse lifestyle and culture.

NFTs in Ashes of Idunn

Mad Viking Games is focused on creating high-quality NFTs that are designed for integration with Unreal Engine 5, which aims to achieve photorealism on par with movie CG and real life in game development. NFTs play a key role in Ashes of Idunn, with three types of NFTs making up the gameplay;

  • Character NFTs

  • Item NFTs and

  • Land NFTs.

To support NFT activities on the platform, Mad Viking Games will develop a cross-chain NFT marketplace where gamers can trade the different types of NFTs available in the game. The project will charge a fee for listing and zero commissions for successful sales. The NFT marketplace will facilitate gamers’ transactions and retain the game’s atmosphere as users trade items acquired from their regular gameplay.

Character NFTs

In-game Berserker Image

Character NFTs in Ashes of Idunn represent the players’ avatar, which can be customized with in-game items. According to the project, character NFTs will grow over time, improving in strength and other attributes (fortunately though, NFTs can’t die of old age).

Mad Viking Games also introduces a breeding system for the NFT characters. NFT characters can have a child with another character once they are both of a certain age; gamers can opt to create pure bloodlines by breeding with the same race, or create new half-breeds by interbreeding with another race. 

There is also a one-child policy. Gamers can only create a single offspring for each level, the offspring will be able to breed as well when they reach a certain age. That said, same sex breeding will also be possible in the Mad Viking Games breeding vault. 

Item NFTs

Item NFTs give gamers certain platform benefits. Items for gaming operations like character upscaling, costumes, and combat weapons are developed as NFTs. Gamers will be able to earn these items as rewards or purchase them from the game item marketplace.

Land NFTs

Lands represent virtual spaces in the Mad Viking Games. Gamers can acquire lands that can be used for diverse purposes. Landowners can host events and hang out with other clan members or develop their space for other benefits that the game presents.

Mad Viking Games Currencies

Mad Viking Games operates a dual token economy. The MVG token and GEMS are the two utility tokens of the ecosystem. 


The MVG token will serve the primary purpose of being used to mint GEMS. MVG holders can stake their tokens in the provided staking portal and earn GEMS as specified by the project. Staking a million MVG tokens will yield 10 GEMS per week.

MVG token had an initial supply of 100 billion, but the team conducted an ICO token burn where all unsold ICO-tokens were burned (approximately 56.4% of total supply). On top of that, because the ICO token burn would leave the team with a proportionally large percentage of the total supply, the Mad Viking Games team agreed to burn 82.3% of the tokens allocated for them (approximately 19.55% of total supply) to keep the bulk of the token supply in private hands. To further stabilize and enhance the value of the MVG token, an additional 6.5 billion tokens were removed from the BNB Smart Chain. 

MVG token can be purchased on the PancakeSwap Dex. See active trading pairs for the MVG token. 

88.9% of the MVG token total supply has been sold to the public via private sales and ICO, leaving the community in control of the majority of the supply, where tokens purchased during the private ICO sales are vested with 8.8% unlocked every 3 months. 6.7% is held in a locked ICO reserve, and 4.4% of the total supply is allocated to the project team. 

This project team’s allocation is vested using a Delivery Dependent Vesting Period (DDVP) strategy. That is, the token release will depend on the team’s achievement. For each deliverable the team satisfies, the vesting contract will be notified, and the release contract will only be triggered if the required deliverables are completed. The tokens will be released at the rate of 16% every 3 months, counting from the time when the conditions for the DDVP have been satisfied. 

The Delivery Dependent Vesting Period (DDVP) strategy is meant to avoid scenarios when the project’s growth stalls after the team receives its full allocation. The idea is to maintain the team’s conditions throughout the period of major game developments. These developments include the in-game NFTs, the NFT marketplace, the gaming user interface, and the first readily available game.


GEMS is the in-game currency for games developed by Mad Viking Games. GEMS can be acquired by staking the MVG token. Gamers will be able to purchase game items and NFTs from the marketplace using the GEM token. GEMS used for item purchases or any purpose in the games will be burnt. GEMS are also the game’s governance token, where GEMS holders will be able to vote on improvement proposals and game developments. This will allow gamers to significantly influence the game they play. GEMS and MVG tokens operate on the BNB Smart Chain, although the project also mentioned its plans to expand to the Ethereum blockchain in the future.

GEMS can be used to purchase Realm Cards, where each realm has their own set of cards. These cards offer players a deeper connection to the metaverse through realm-specific lore and power. 

Final Thoughts

Mad Vikings will not only develop engaging games but also let players maintain true custody of the items and characters they acquire while playing the game. It adds to the growing count of entertaining games that leverage the blockchain and its related technology. The game previews show promising graphic and operational designs that could easily attract the next horde of gamers and the storyline is set to an interesting folklore filled with challenges and struggle for survival. Gamers will hope to enjoy this experience in simulation as they wander through the Nordic plains of the Ashes of Idunn metaverse, where the AR and VR experiences provide a glimpse of what is to come. 

Having said this, readers should be aware of the risks of cryptocurrency investments and should do their own research before investing any capital into any game or crypto protocol. This article is only meant for informational purposes, and should not be taken as financial advice.