• Tue. Jul 2nd, 2024

Potential zkSync Airdrop: How to Enhance Your Eligibility

Potential zkSync Airdrop How to Qualify

Key Takeaways:

  • To improve your eligibility for a potential zkSync airdrop, look at interacting with the ecosystem and depositing liquidity into protocol. 

  • zkSync is a Layer 2 blockchain scaling solution built on Ethereum. It utilizes rollups and zero-knowledge to improve scalability, offering faster and cheaper transactions.

  • The zkSync team has not confirmed a token release at the time of writing. 

zkSync Era is live and there have been discussions about the possibility of the project launching a token and rewarding early adopters through a token airdrop. zkSync Era is one of the first zero-knowledge rollups and is a Layer 2 network to improve the scalability of its base layer, Ethereum. To find out more about zkSync, check out our article that delves into what zkSync is and the tech behind it. 

Offering users lower fees and faster withdrawals than the existing optimistic rollups, zkSync is a project to watch. And judging by how optimistic rollups like Optimism and Arbitrum have launched tokens, it’s possible that zkSync may launch a token in the future. 

In this article, we’ll discuss some ways you can improve your chances of qualifying for an airdrop in the event of a token launch. Do note that the zkSync team has refrained from confirming a token release and there are chances that they will not airdrop a share of the tokens even if they are released. 

This article covers activities that might improve your chances of qualifying based on experience from similar airdrop programs.

Let’s get to it!

First, there is a higher chance that the project will reward wallets that interact with its smart contracts regularly over a period of time. This article will focus on how you can interact with the network to improve your chances, especially if you missed the testnet phase.

Bridge Your Assets to zkSync and Deposit Liquidity

First, add zkSync Era to your MetaMask wallet. You will also need to bridge your assets over to the network.

Visit https://bridge.zksync.io/ to bridge your assets to zkSync Era. A fee is charged for this transaction, so ensure that you have enough ETH in your wallet to pay for the transaction charges.

With the assets bridged to zkSync Era network, you’ll have deposited liquidty into zkSync. Now, let’s proceed to interact with projects on the zkSync mainnet.

Interacting With Projects on the Network

A handful of projects have launched on Era. Interacting with smart contracts is a popular eligibility criterion. Taking a leaf from the most recent Arbitrum airdrop, it is advisable to interact with notable projects on the platform.

For this guide, we’ve picked Mute and Mint Square, although you can also interact with other protocols in the zkSync ecosystem.

Mute offers an array of DeFi services on zkSync, including an AMM DEX, a farming platform, and bonds.

Some possible interactions on Mute include adding liquidity, swapping a token, and locking up your LP tokens on the Amplifier platform. When the Mute Bond platform launches, it is also a good one to interact with.

On Mint Square, some transactions you can perform include minting and trading NFTs.

Apart from Mute and Mint Square, you can also interact with as many applications on the platform as possible. 

Interact repeatedly with these platforms regularly as the number of interactions and frequency might count. Also, note that the value of these transactions is another potential factor to consider. The more transactions and protocols you interact with regularly, the higher your chances of meeting the eligibility criteria. For more information on projects on zkSync, check out our article on the zkSync ecosystem

Donating to Gitcoin is also a potential criterion used by projects (like Optimism) that have conducted an airdrop recently. Besides supporting the crypto ecosystem by donating to projects, donating to zkSync projects on Gitcoin could be another way to get airdrop rewards.

Finally, do watch out for tasks, quests, and metered programs that are launched by the zkSync team and related projects, as these could also be used in judging wallet eligibility. For example, projects like Sei have a list of missions for participants to earn points, with different values attributed to different missions. On the other hand, it could be like Arbitrum, where the points criteria and airdrop entitlement were only released after the token release announcement. 

Final Thoughts

For now, zkSync’s need for a token is up for debate, however, if they decide to run a DAO in the future, then a tradable token is likely. Airdrops for DAO tokens is an approach to involve the larger community in the project’s governance and not necessarily a means to give cash reward to users. But historically, airdrops like these have turned out to be lucrative for early adopters. 

If you’re interested in zkSync, this guide is a starting point to getting involved in the ecosystem, and potentially improving your chances of receiving future tokens and being a part of the project’s governance. But it is not a guarantee that you will receive these tokens even if the project finally launches a token and conducts an airdrop in the future.

Interested in more airdrops?

We did a detailed listicle on prospective airdrops in 2023, you can check the article out for even more expected airdrops and how you can improve your chances of benefiting from them. 

Do note that this article is only for information purposes and should not be taken as financial advice.