• Tue. Jul 2nd, 2024

Potential Initia Airdrop: How to Earn XP and Build-Your-Jennie

How to Earn XP on Initia

As part of Initia’s incentivized public testnet, users can earn XP and build-a-Jennie by acquiring testnet tokens, buying Initia usernames, swapping tokens, staking INIT, and claiming rewards. Users can also earn more XP from bonus tasks by sending INIT to different chains. 

Key Takeaways

  • Initia is a Cosmos-based network that is creating interconnected blockchains through its infrastructure that combines Layer 1 and Layer 2 technology. 

  • Founded by former Terra developers, Initia is backed by Binance Labs and successfully raised $7.5 million in a seed round co-led by Delphi Ventures and Hack VC

  • Users can now interact with the Initia incentivized public testnet for an eight week campaign to earn XP and feed their Jennie.

Initia is a network in the Cosmos ecosystem that aims to create scalable and interconnected blockchains by combining Layer 1 (L1) technology with application-specific Layer 2 (L2) infrastructure. It is designed to simplify the process that developers go through when launching blockchains applications as L2s while offering features including native stablecoins and multi-chain bridging. 

The project’s vision is inspired by the Apple design philosophy whereby developers may use different frameworks to build their app while still having access to the same native features. For example, developers can launch apps in the Apple App Store with access to ApplePay, FaceID, and more. Initia is introducing this into its platform by combining a powerful and flexible tech stack with features like InitiaScan, Initia Wallet, and Bridget.

Initia’s architecture removes the complexities from the usual modular and multi-chain systems to make it easier for developers to create scalable and sovereign blockchain systems. Some of the key features of Initia include support for the creation of native stablecoins, enabling cross-chain interactions, using optimistic rollup technology, and providing native liquidity.

Founded by former Terra and Cosmos developers, Zon and Stan Liu, Initia is backed by Binance Labs and successfully raised $7.5 million in a seed round in February 2024. The funding round was co-led by Delphi Ventures and Hack VC with participation from Nascent, Figment Capital, Big Brain, A.Capital, and various angel investors.

Initia has launched an eight week incentivized public testnet for users to get familiar with the platform. This includes interacting with features like swapping, staking, and buying an Initia username. Teams of applications can also use it as an opportunity to develop, iterate, and test their products. Given the testnet’s limited time period, now is a great opportunity to dive into Initia!

Do note that while Initia has confirmed a token launch, there is no official announcement regarding a token airdrop and no guarantees that participating in the Initia incentivized public testnet will result in a future token airdrop.

Step 1: Get the Initia Wallet (Optional)

This step is optional because you can also connect other Cosmos compatible wallets directly to Initia.

Head to https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/initia-wallet/ffbceckpkpbcmgiaehlloocglmijnpmp?pli=1 to download the Initia Wallet extension on Chrome. Then, you can choose to create a new account, or import an existing wallet using its recovery phrase or private key. In this guide, we will be creating a new account. 

Set your password and write down the recovery phrase in a safe place. We recommend that it is through an offline method such as written in a book that is kept away from potential damage.

Step 2: Get Tokens

Once your account is created, Get testnet tokens either through the wallet or directly at https://faucet.testnet.initia.xyz/

Before receiving the tokens, you will need to verify proof of humanity through Gitcoin Passport. First, connect an Ethereum wallet to the faucet. 

You can choose between three available wallets.

After connecting your wallet, the Gitcoin Passport will generate your Humanity score. You will need a minimum score of 10 to use the Faucet. If your score is 0 or too low, click Gitcoin Passport to be redirected to the platform.

Sign in with the same wallet. 

Proceed to Verify Stamps in order to receive your Humanity Score.

Once completed, head back to the faucet to input your wallet address and submit the testnet token request. Given the testnet nature of the faucet, the tokens might not be sent to you. Check after an hour or two before making a new request.

It may also take a while to see the testnet tokens appear in your wallet.

Step 3: Build-A-Jennie

The Baby Jennie NFT is created when you complete the six tasks to collect NFT cards and merge them. Jennie is described by Initia as an on-chain pet that gives you a new set of responsibilities.

First, head to https://app.testnet.initia.xyz/ and Connect your wallet in the top right corner.

As mentioned before, you can connect external wallets like Keplr, Leap, and Phantom. We will be using the Initia Wallet.

Step 3A: Mint Task 1 NFT

Task 1 is to get testnet tokens from the faucet. If you haven’t already done so, you can follow the steps above. 

Mint your NFT and receive the right paw of Jennie. Each NFT will represent different parts of Jennie to be merged.


Step 3B: Buy Your Initia Username

Click the Task 2 box to be redirected to Initia Usernames or head to https://usernames.testnet.initia.xyz/.

Input your username and hit to enter to check its availability. 

After finding an available username, Register it.


You can now Mint the next NFT in the same task box.


Step 3C: Swap Tokens

Click Task 3 to be redirected to the swap page or access it from the top menu bar at the top. 

In this guide, we are swapping our INIT to USDC.

Completing this task lets you Mint Jennie’s left paw.

Step 3D: Stake INIT with Validators

Task 4 involves staking INIT to validators. Input the amount and click Next.

You can then choose which validator you want to stake to. Feel free to choose any from the list.

Confirm the transaction in your wallet.

Mint your next NFT.

Step 3E: Stake INIT LP with a Validator

In Task 5, you can choose between three asset pairs to stake. We will be staking the USDC-INIT pair. 

Input the amount of token you will provide. Do note that in this pool, 80% of the USDC tokens are swapped to INIT to match the 2:8 pool ratio.

After that, choose the validator and click Next.

As you can see, our final USDC amount is lower after being converted to INIT.

Confirm the transaction in your wallet and mint the next NFT card.


Step 3F: Claim Staking Rewards

Clicking on the final task box will prompt you to confirm the transaction in your wallet. Once completed, you will receive the final NFT and merge all of them to build your own Jennie.

Step 4: Feed Jennie

In the top menu, select XP to see your XP stats and Feed Jennie.

When you choose to Feed Jennie, you have three food options. In this guide, we have no options and will need to use our XP for it. Click on any of the food options to be redirected to the Food Store.

There will be three gacha machines that you use your XP to play and win her food.
After you win the food, feed it to Jennie.

Remember to feed Jennie once a week every week otherwise she will die. 

Step 5: Earn More XP

You can earn more Initia XP by interacting with the Minitia (Initia’s interwoven Layer 2 network) and completing weekly bonus tasks.


Initia aims to bring innovation and simplicity to the multi-chain network experience of developers by building a platform that utilizes L1 and L2 technology. Based on the Apple Design philosophy, developers will be able to launch applications with access to Initia’s architecture and key features. The platform is now running an eight week incentivized public testnet campaign for users to swap, stake, and more.