• Tue. Jul 2nd, 2024

MCH Verse: Revolutionizing Web3 Game Growth with Data Analytics

What is MCH Verse?

MCH Verse is an Layer 2 blockchain powered by optimistic rollups and built on the game-specific Layer 1 blockchain known as Oasys. 

Key Takeaways:

  • My Crypto Heroes (MCH) is a blockchain game that combines assets like the MCH Coin and NFTs to create a self-sustaining economic zone that caters to different play styles.

  • Tracking game, NFT, and transaction data enables developers to monitor game growth and plan operational changes. 

  • Players also benefit from dashboards that draw on on-chain data, as they can use these to guide their gaming strategy.

The main game on MCH Verse is My Crypto Heroes (MCH), a multiplayer role-playing game built on Ethereum, Polygon, and MCH Verse, released in 2018. 

Footprint Analytics recently hosted a Twitter Space session with Yamato, the COO of MCH Verse, where they discussed the game and their primary focus on data metrics. They also provided some exciting updates about their project. For more information, you can check out the Twitter Thread and read this article to find out more about the discussion.

Vision of MCH Verse

The ultimate vision for MCH Verse is to forge an ecosystem where the time, money, and passion invested in gaming ventures are transformed into invaluable assets. These assets transcend the ordinary realm of wealth, encompassing not only the tangible value of MCHC (MCH Coin) and NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens), but also the captivating stories and memories embedded in the transaction history of the blockchain. 

In the grand tapestry of MCH Verse, virtual lands and players take center stage, creating a self-sustaining economic zone where the magic of the game intertwines with the growth and prosperity of the assets. 

MCH invites players to join an adventure where gaming becomes an extraordinary journey. With each interaction, the ecosystem thrives, opening up new avenues for players to immerse themselves and etch their stories into the annals of the MCH Verse.

NFTs in My Crypto Heroes

MCH introduces four types of NFTs – Heroes, Extensions, Land Sectors and Achievement – each playing a crucial role in the game’s mechanics. 

Heroes in MCH consist primarily of historical figures such as Nobunaga Oda, Liu Bei, Cleopatra, and Joan of Arc. Original Heroes, which are NFTs, can be acquired through purchases, collections, and sales, with their availability varying based on rarity. Extensions, on the other hand, are weapons that Heroes can wield to enhance their basic active skill. Both Heroes and Extensions have two versions: Replicas (account-bound unmodifiable ingame items that are not NFTs) and the original (tradable NFTs that can be leveled up by players).

MCH also features nine distinct lands that can be likened to guilds or clans in other social-network games. While owning land sectors is not a prerequisite for playing MCH, holding land has several advantages, such as the opportunity to receive Lord rewards and other benefits.

The “Achievement” NFT is a newly released one from May 2023; it can be issued based on in-game achievements, and there are two main types: “piece” and “trophy.” It is a record of your performance in the game, and we expect to see more use of it in the future.

Now, with an understanding of the 4 types of NFTs, let’s look at the different ways of playing this game.

MCH Gameplay

In My Crypto Heroes (MCH), the play styles are categorized as 【Warrior, Farmer, Artist, and Merchant】, which come from the job classification 【Shi-No-Ko-Sho】 in the Edo period of Japan.

MCH offers a variety of battle modes, including PvP (Player vs. Player) and GvG (Guild vs. Guild), where players can engage in exciting battles. 

Farmers in MCH can earn valuable rewards through quests, specifically by interacting with Nodes. Nodes serve as locations where teams of three Heroes can engage in activities to earn Crypto Energy (CE). Players can obtain replica Extensions and “Materials” from chests. The Materials allow players to craft Extensions for in-game experience. Materials are off-chain items and tradable on Lab, which is a off-chain fork of Uniswap V3. Materials and Lab will be implemented on-chain in the future.

Artists can create unique Hero artwork, which they sell for in-game currency. They usually customize the hero’s appearance with different art styles. Meanwhile, merchants play an important role in the game’s economy by actively trading NFTs. They buy and sell NFTs to maximize their profits and contribute to the dynamic marketplace.

These different gameplay styles offer players multiple and engaging ways to immerse themselves in the world of MCH, catering to different interests and preferences.


My Crypto Heroes (MCH) has come a long way since its initial launch on Ethereum in November 2018. Over the past four years, the game has made significant progress on both a technical and business level.

MCH started on Ethereum, but soon expanded to Polygon to gain more flexibility and scalability, and improve the gaming experience for users.

In October 2020, MCH took a major step forward with releasing its native token, MCH Coin. The release of MCH Coin aimed to attract both new and existing players by providing more rewards and incentives within the game. The token enriched the game’s economy and contributed to its sustainability. 

The biggest milestone came in February 2022 with the release of MCH Verse. MCH Verse allowed the game to build its own ecosystem and community. Through its Layer 2 solution, called Verse Layer, MCH Verse achieved scalability and enabled more sophisticated game mechanics. In the second phase, MCH Verse successfully connected to the Hub Layer, ensuring interoperability of assets across layers.

From choosing a more flexible network to releasing a native token and building its own ecosystem, MCH has made significant progress. Players and supporters of MCH can expect an even more compelling experience as the game continues to push the envelope.

Utilizing Data to Boost Game Growth: Monitoring Vital Signs

In the world of web3 gaming, data provides valuable insights and benefits that contribute to enhancing gameplay, player experiences, and the overall evolution of the game. By analyzing various types of data, web3 game developers and marketers can make informed decisions, optimize game mechanics, and fuel the growth of games by ensuring a healthy and balanced ecosystem.

Game Overview: Users, Retentions and Trading

When it comes to the game itself, user-related data takes center stage in the web3 world. Users can directly impact the ecosystem and drive up the trading data like the price of the digital assets.

MCH Active Users & New Users & Total Users in Web3

MCH Active Users Trend

By tracking user metrics like daily active users, monthly active users, etc, web3 projects can measure how many people are actually playing the game and know more about user acquisition efficiency.

Moreover, with the user data, we can analyze the onboard funnel rate and retention/churn rate. 

The onboard funnel rate serves as a measure of user acquisition efficiency and conversion from initial sign-up to active engagement. By analyzing this metric, game developers gain valuable insights into the effectiveness of their onboarding process and identify areas for improvement.

Retention and churn rate metrics provide a direct reflection of user engagement and the game’s ability to retain players over time. Through detailed analysis of these metrics, developers can identify patterns and factors influencing player retention or churn. This valuable information allows them to implement targeted measures to enhance player experiences, increase the long-term value of players, and minimize player attrition.

While user metrics are important, it is equally vital to pay attention to trading data. Users have the ability to impact the ecosystem and influence trading data, which directly affects the price of digital assets. 

MCH Daily Transactions


Tracking trading metrics, such as token price and liquidity, enables participants to gauge the value of assets and make informed trading decisions. The token price reflects the supply and demand dynamics, while liquidity ensures smooth trading and minimizes price slippage during asset exchanges.

NFT Overview: Prices, Holders & Sellers, Profits

Tracking metrics such as NFT prices, holders, and sellers is essential for maintaining a healthy game ecosystem. When NFT prices remain stable, it signifies a more stable system overall, as NFTs are key assets used in gameplay. 



The dynamic variance in the number of holders and sellers also has a direct impact on NFT prices. By monitoring these metrics, game developers can gain insights into the supply and demand dynamics of NFTs, allowing them to make informed decisions and take necessary actions to ensure a balanced and thriving economy.

NFT profitability is essential for evaluating the value and desirability of these assets. Analyzing these metrics helps assess the overall value and desirability of NFTs within the market. 

MCH Top Winners

When NFT assets hold strong value and are perceived as scarce and desirable, players consider them valuable digital assets. This perception fuels sustained demand and contributes to a healthier NFT-based economy, fostering an ecosystem where players actively engage in trading, purchasing, and utilizing NFTs.

For players, profit analysis allows them to track the performance of top winners in the game, providing valuable information for strategic decision-making. Understanding the profitability of different game elements and strategies empowers players to optimize their gameplay, identify lucrative opportunities, and maximize their earnings within the game.

For developers, profit analysis serves as a compass for identifying growth opportunities. By analyzing revenue streams and profitability, developers can uncover areas where they can enhance monetization, introduce new features or content, and explore potential partnerships or collaborations to drive additional revenue.

Social Data: Twitter, Discord, Market Sentiment

For the social data, we may especially focus on Twitter, Discord and the market sentiment reflected by them in web3.


MCH Twitter Acitivities

Social data is pivotal in understanding user behavior, preferences, and engagement patterns within a game’s community. By analyzing the performance of official tweets and announcements, developers gain valuable insights into what resonates with players and drives their interest. 

These insights help identify popular content, game features, or events that generate high engagement and capture players’ attention. By leveraging social data, game developers can tailor the game experience, create compelling content, and cultivate a vibrant community. Understanding how players interact with the game, their preferences, and their preferred content enables developers to deliver a more personalized and engaging experience, fostering a stronger sense of community and enhancing overall player satisfaction.

Building Trust Through Transparency: Data Dashboards for the Community

A good dashboard for a game acts as a comprehensive information hub that allows players to monitor and analyze their game performance in real-time. Players can access data on game assets, transactions, rarity levels, and other relevant statistics through a data dashboard created by the game developer or even players. 

Community dashboards help members to leverage the witness of the community, building dashboards to guide gaming strategy from different aspects. This transparency and inclusiveness help build trust among potential players and attract quality participants. Transparency fosters a sense of ownership and belonging within the community, as players have a voice in determining the direction of the game’s development and improvements.

Empowering Players: Data Tools for Strategy Optimization

With on-chain data, players can analyze trends to optimize strategies. By harnessing on-chain data and leveraging insights from hero adoption rates, combinations, win rates, and team trends for each land, players can optimize their strategies and maximize their chances of triumph.


MCH Hero Stats

Analyzing the adoption rate of Heroes in PvP combat provides important insight into their popularity and effectiveness. By understanding which Heroes are popular and frequently used, players can make informed decisions when building their own hero teams.

MCH Best Winning Team

The combination of Heroes is also a critical factor in determining the strength and effectiveness of a team. By examining the performance and win rates of specific Hero combinations, players can identify synergies, counters, and optimal strategies. For example, understanding the Heroes that synergize well with Albert Einstein, one of the strongest Heroes, allows players to create powerful and cohesive teams that capitalize on the unique abilities and strengths of each Hero.

Extension NFTs play an important role in modifying the active skills of Heroes and enhancing their abilities. Analyzing the adoption rate of different Extension NFTs provides insight into the meta and can help players choose the most effective Extensions for their Heroes. By using this data, players can optimize their hero builds and gain a competitive edge in battles.

Maintaining Balance: How Data Guides Operational Changes

Maintaining balance in a game is critical to ensuring an engaging and enjoyable experience for players. Data-driven insights play a critical role in guiding operational changes to achieve and maintain this balance. By leveraging data, game developers can make informed decisions to adjust and fine-tune various aspects of the game.

One key area of focus is analyzing the adoption rate of Heroes in PvP battles, particularly as it relates to the secondary trading of NFTs. By closely monitoring Hero usage, developers can identify trends and patterns that indicate the popularity and demand for certain Heroes. This information can help ensure that all Heroes in the game are equally viable and valuable in the game’s ecosystem, promoting fair and diverse gameplay experiences for users.  Maintaining diversity in Hero usage promotes game longevity and increases the liquidity of NFTs.

MCH First & Second Attack Team Stats

Balancing the power of first and second attacks is another critical consideration. Through data analysis, developers can assess the effectiveness and impact of different attack abilities. The MCH team anticipates that users will leverage the dashboard to develop effective trading strategies and facilitate their trading activities.

MCH Top 10 Hero Participants

The visualization of data is a critical component to the success of blockchain gaming projects, as it enables players to develop their fighting and trading strategies. Providing real-time market data and analysis, not only enhances the overall gameplay experience but also activates the game’s economy, driving user engagement and retention. Ultimately, the goal of blockchain gaming projects is to create a sustainable and thriving ecosystem where users can participate in a fair and competitive environment and reap the benefits of their efforts.

Beyond the Game: Unveiling Challenges in Data Analysis for Gaming Insights

Navigating the Complexities of Manual Data Collection in Web3 Games

Data collection in web3 games is a complex and multifaceted process that often involves collecting information from multiple sources, including sources such as the cloud server, Google Analytics, MCH nodes, etc. Integrating data from these sources can be challenging, as the data may be in incompatible formats, requiring coordination to aggregate and normalize the data. 

The collection and integration process can be time-consuming, difficult to automate, and prone to human error.

Unleashing the Power of Data by Processing Massive amount of data

Data analysis in web3 games is a formidable challenge because it involves handling and processing an enormous amount of data, including millions of raw data points, such as critical elements like duel logs. Data analysis involves applying analytical techniques and algorithms to extract valuable patterns, trends, and correlations from the data. 

In addition, preserving the raw data is essential for effective error detection and investigation. By preserving the original data, analysts can conduct thorough investigations to identify anomalies, glitches, or inconsistencies that may affect game fairness or user experience. This meticulous approach ensures comprehensive bug detection, enabling the development team to address issues quickly and maintain a high level of game integrity.

Optimizing Blockchain Games with Footprint Growth Analytics

To unlock the potential hidden in this data, advanced analytical techniques and algorithms must be applied. Data scientists and analysts use sophisticated methods to cleanse, transform, and analyze data. 

Footprint Growth Analytics (FGA) can help index the data and enable game developers to use it to optimize their games. 

Footprint provides a comprehensive solution for blockchain gaming projects to index and analyze on-chain and off-chain data. By integrating with hundreds of external data sources, FGA’s automated data pipeline provides developers with a comprehensive view of user behavior and market trends.

In addition to reducing the cost of indexing data itself, FGA’s data-driven approach can help blockchain gaming projects optimize their games for success. The cohort feature allows developers to segment users based on behavior and preferences, providing valuable insights into user behavior that can be used to tailor marketing strategies and product features. The community tool fosters collaboration among gamers, allowing developers to leverage user-generated content and word-of-mouth marketing to promote their projects.

Author: lesley@footprint.network

Crypto Times is an independent blockchain media covering daily news & in-depth articles. (https://crypto-times.jp/)

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