• Thu. Jul 4th, 2024

Immortal Game: Bringing Chess to Web3

Key Takeaways:

  • Immortal Game is a version of chess with the added complexity of side quests to accomplish in-game. 

  • Immortal Game has a Play-to-Earn and a Free-to-Play version, where the former requires Immortals NFTs that can be bought and sold, while the Free-to-Play version includes non-tradable Ageless NFTs.

Immortal Games are games that live on in our minds, for years long after the players have retired or passed. 

What is the Immortal Game?

The Immortal Game, brought to you by a startup of the same name, is a web3 blockchain chess game built on the Ethereum network. The Immortal Game team’s Open Beta version was launched on 21 June 2022.

Chess is a board game that needs no introduction. Immortal Game builds on top of a classical chess with added complexity of side quests to be accomplished in the game. Players will have the opportunity to earn tokens and NFTs as a result of progressing in the game. 

In 2022, Immortal Game reported they had:

  • 1,732,472 games played on Immortal Game including 32 organised tournaments; 

  • 4,158 auctioned Immortal NFTs with the record bid at $5,282 for the Ebony Piece of Art Bishop;

  • Over $2,000,000 and 120 million CMT Tokens earned as weekly leaderboard prizes;

  • 12 Immortal NFTs won every week;

  • 50+ chess ambassadors, 13,800 Immortal players on Discord, and 3,100 Immortal players on Telegram;


The team at Immortal Game’s mission is to promote chess to both existing chess players and new players, via added financial rewards, through their added twists in the form of quests, where players can earn rewards based on their skills.

Source: https://guiltless-zinc-b84.notion.site/Immortal-Game-White-Paper-d55da7a1ef2444fc88af925c662a8747 

The Immortal Game is currently available with “Play-to-Earn” and  “Free-to-Play” modes at https://immortal.game/, on both PCs and mobile phones. 

Currently the project uses two tokens:

  • IGE – (to be released)​​ will have a maximum supply of 1,000,000,000 and will allow players to unlock special powers via staking. This is also a governance token to allow the community to vote to provide feedback to the team to make key decisions. IGE tokens will eventually be available to be earned by players through tournament rewards.

  • CMT (Checkmate Token) – will be linked to upcoming gameplay features and provide a financial backbone for the game’s economy.

Source: https://twitter.com/TheImmortalGame/status/1562462736726085632 

Play-to-Earn with Immortals Chess Pieces

For the “Play-to-Earn” mode, players only need one Immortal NFT chess piece to start participating in the Immortal Weekly Leaderboards and the Immortal Tournaments. 

Winners are rewarded with CMT tokens, Immortal NFT chess pieces and/or mystery boxes. The weekly Immortal leaderboard rewards include a prize pool of 8 ETH and 4,000,000 CMT tokens.

Source: https://immortal.game/leaderboard/weekly-ip 

Immortal Game Tournament Prizes P2EFree-to-Play with Ageless Chess Pieces

For the “Free-to-Play” version, players can claim and play with up to 6 non-transferable NFT chess pieces, called “Ageless,” and participate in free-to-play Ageless Leaderboards and Ageless Tournaments. Winners of these leaderboards and tournaments are still eligible to win CMT tokens and Immortal NFT chess pieces; however, the reward pool is much smaller with a weekly reward pool of 1 ETH, 2,000,000 CMT tokens and several free Immortal NFT chess pieces.

Source: https://immortal.game/leaderboard/weekly-ap 

If an Ageless player wins and is rewarded with an Immortal NFT, they can proceed to participate in the Immortal Leaderboard and Immortal Tournaments with their new Immortal NFT to start competing for a larger reward pool.

Immortal Game Tournament Prizes F2P

Despite the play-to-earn elements of Immortal Game, the team’s mission is to encourage more people to learn and play chess. Thus, they have provided a free-to-play version and are building up their Immortal Academy, an educational tool to teach new and old players how to play chess on Immortal Game.

Immortal Game also has “Standard” Leaderboards and Tournaments, which uses purely the classical chess rules, with no added quests. The Weekly Standard leaderboard rewards include 1 ETH, 1,000,000 CMT tokens and several free Immortal NFT chess pieces. 

Source: https://immortal.game/leaderboard/weekly-standard 

What Makes the Immortal Game Different? 

While there have been a few other web3 chess blockchain games, the Immortal Game team has created their own spin on chess which not only creates new fun challenges for players but allows players to earn points, to rank higher on the Leaderboards, or rank higher and qualify for the final rounds in the tournaments, to allow them to earn rewards such as (but not limited to): Ether, CMT tokens, Immortal NFT chess pieces etc. 

Immortal Game still stays true to the original rules of chess, however they have added a new level of challenges to bring an interesting spin to the game. The game created its own spin on chess, by introducing their NFTs, the “Immortals,” which are enhanced chess pieces. Players are also rewarded for playing, completing quests and winning games. They earn points, competing on the weekly leaderboards and tournaments. The higher the rank, the more rewards the player gets. 

Source: https://twitter.com/TheImmortalGame/status/1601967700930363393 

Is This the Right Game for Me?

If you enjoy playing chess, be it casual or competitive then Immortal Game is definitely the game for you. You will have the chance to play matches with other chess players from over 111 countries worldwide. You can compete in the weekly leaderboard and/or tournaments, with prizes in the form of NFT chess piece collectibles and tradable tokens for those who top the leaderboard and win tournaments.

Introducing the Immortals

Immortals are used to create a new level of complexity to the original chess game. These are chess pieces with their own individual micro and macro quests for the player and the Immortal to fulfil. Upon winning the game and fulfilment of the quests, players are rewarded with extra points based on the difficulty of the quest, the type and rarity of the chess piece. 

Immortals are also collectibles. Their collections are categorised as “Elements”, which are the artistic designs of the Immortals. There are 4 initial Elements: Marble, Ebony, Ivory and Steel. The Immortal Game team plans to launch more collectible collections for collectors. For example they launched the Halloween themed collectibles in October 2022. In the future, the team is looking to add synergies when Immortals from the same Element are used together in the same team. 

Source: https://twitter.com/TheImmortalGame/status/1587794557634330624 

Purity of an Immortal would increase the rewards associated with the quests and the rewards when winning the games. As such, the higher and/or rarer the purity, the better the rewards. Currently there are 4 specific purity types: Rough, Polished, Piece of Art, and Masterpiece.

Source: https://twitter.com/TheImmortalGame/status/1546739699309350913 

Base Reward

Base rewards are given to each Immortal, and the amount is based on its type of chess piece and its purity. The base reward is earned upon winning, irrespective of the quest being fulfilled or not.

Base reward per Piece and Purity:

Source: https://guiltless-zinc-b84.notion.site/Immortal-Game-White-Paper-d55da7a1ef2444fc88af925c662a8747 

Quest Rewards

Each Immortal is created with specific quests, and in turn they can earn quest rewards. 

  • These rewards are based on the difficulty of the quest, the type of chess piece (King, Queen, Rook, Bishop, Knight, or Pawn), and the Purity (higher the purity the better the rewards). 

  • Quest rewards are only earned if the player wins and fulfils the quest. 

  • Micro quests are piece specific quests that the Immortal must fulfil each game. 

  • Macro quests are general quests that the player can work towards winning in the games. 

  • By winning games and completing the quests, players will earn Immortal Points (IP), which would contribute to the player’s ranking on the weekly leaderboard and/or tournaments. 

  • For example the Queen chess piece below is an Element: Ebony, Purity: Rough Queen. For the Macro Quest, if the player wins they earn 32 IP and if the Queen does not side castle, the player will earn an additional 102 IP. 

Source: https://immortal.game/marketplace?type=auction 

  • Winners will earn prizes each week, which include but are not limited to IGE or CMT tokens, other cryptocurrencies, new Immortal NFTs etc. 

  • Note: for each game, players are limited to a maximum of 4 Immortals and/or Ageless pieces. All other pieces will be Classic chess pieces which will not have quests, elements nor purity. 

However, if you’re looking to get a taste of what Immortal Game has to offer without paying for an NFT, you can try out the Ageless (free-to-play) mode first. 

Introducing the Ageless (Free-to-Play)

For those who want to play for free they can acquire “Ageless Pieces” and participate in the “Ageless leaderboard.” 

  • Ageless pieces are the NFT chess pieces for the Free-to-Play mode, which are non-transferable. 

  • Every player can claim their first ageless piece when they register, and can claim five more Ageless chess pieces as they complete each Ageless piece’s quests. 

  • Ageless pieces come with specific side quests, however they do not have specific elements and purity levels. 

Play with Ageless Pieces Free nft Immortal Game

Where Can I Play and/or Watch Immortal Game?

Immortal Game is readily available to play and watch at https://immortal.game/

How Do I Start Playing? 

Joining a Game

  1. Go to the Immortal Game website, https://immortal.game/, and click “Play for Free” or “Sign up”

  1. You will be prompted to create an account which you can link to your Gmail and/or your Metamask, where the latter lets you link your playing account to your Metamask if you wish to store/trade your Immortal NFTs. 

  1. After creating an account you can choose to play with other players in the community or join the ongoing tournaments if available. 

  1. You will next be prompted to choose (1) your choice of opponent (anybody, friend or computer), (2) variant (standard chess pieces, or Immortal chess), and (3) Speed (bullet 1min games or Blitz 5 min games).

  1. Play

Reclaiming Your Free (Non-Transferable) Ageless Piece

You can claim your free Ageless piece at the bottom of the “Play” webpage.

Selecting Your Ageless or Immortal Pieces for the Game

  1. Select “Variant: Immortal”

  1. Choose your Ageless/Immortal chess piece that you want to play and select which starting position on the board that you want to start them at. 

  1. Press ‘Play’

How to play Immortal Game with Ageless

Where Can I Get Immortals?

Players can get Immortal NFT chess pieces by bidding on the auction marketplace, or through winning on the free-to-play leaderboard/tournaments and/or joining a Guild (on Discord) to borrow and play with the Guild’s “delegated pieces” Immortal. Rewards earned with delegated pieces are usually split between the player and the Guild. 

Marketplace: Trading of Existing Collections

You can bid for immortals at the Immortal Game website’s marketplace, https://immortal.game/marketplace?type=auction

The marketplace will show the piece, its Element, its Purity, its quests, and the current bid. 

Marketplace: Auction for New Collections

Additionally, you can bid for new collections on the marketplace. Notifications of new collections will be announced on the Immortal Game Twitter and Discord. 

Source: https://twitter.com/TheImmortalGame/status/1588437641963474945

Bidding for Immortals on Rarible

You can also bid for Immortals on Rarible, https://rarible.com/immortalgame/

Source: https://rarible.com/immortalgame/items 

What to Expect in the Future

The Immortal Game plans to ship the following in 2023:

  • Release the mobile app

  • Immortal Game Academy to help players become better at chess

  • Release more Immortal NFTs – including new Elements via co-branded immortals

  • Release new CMT token burn mechanisms.

  • Release and listing of IGE tokens

There will be more upcoming features for the web3 game which can be found in the white paper. These include:

  • Elo Factor: Increased in-game rewards;

  • Time Control Factor: to allow longer games with rewards to make longer games as rewarding as faster games;

  • Experience: To allow levelling up Immortals, and in turn levelling up the Immortal’s IP won;

  • Fusing: Elevating Immortals, buy paying CMT to combine two Immortals to create a new Immortal;

  • Traits: To increase the uniqueness/rarity of your Immortal chess pieces; 

  • More variations to the tournaments, such as round robin, arena, coliseum, more time mode variations, access conditions etc; and

  • Puzzles to allow players to train their chess skills.

Our Review of Immortal Game


  • Easy to sign up and start playing.

  • Quests add more challenge and fun to a standard chess game.

  • You can play with players at both professional and novice levels from around the world.

  • You can also watch chess matches and learn from the greats.

  • Players can start for free and attempt to progress to “Play-to-earn” without spending money.

  • Players can also start for free by borrowing delegated NFT from guilds.


  • Games are currently time based, this is challenging for players who are new to chess.

  • Players will find it difficult to score points without owning Immortal Game chess pieces.