• Sun. Jun 30th, 2024


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  • Monad: An EVM-Compatible Layer 1 Built for Scalability

Monad: An EVM-Compatible Layer 1 Built for Scalability

What Is Monad? Monad is a high-performance blockchain platform designed as an Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM)-compatible Layer 1 (L1) scaling solution. The smart contract platform offers full com...

Layer 3s In Crypto: What They Are And How They Improve Scalability

What are Layer 3s in Crypto?  Layer 3 protocols are built on top of Layer 2s to provide enhanced scalability so developers can create customized application-specific blockchains based on their n...

3 German computer scientists bringing scalability to Bitcoin using zk-proofs

The three German scientists formed ZeroSync Association to bring Zero-Knowledge Proofs to Bitcoin. The association has received sponsorship from Geometry Reaserch and StarkWare Industries. Geometry Reaserch is a crypto investment…

The Blockchain Trilemma: Decentralization, Scalability, and Security

The blockchain trilemma is the challenge of achieving scalability, security, and decentralisation simultaneously on a blockchain network. What is the blockchain trilemma? The blockchain trilemma is a term used to…