• Tue. Jul 2nd, 2024

Top 7 Security Browser Extensions to Protect Your Crypto

What Are the Top Security Browser Extensions in Crypto?

Based on Similarweb data, the most popular security browser extensions in crypto are AegisWeb3, Pocket Universe, Wallet Guard, Revoke.cash, Fire, Web3 Antivirus, and BlowFish. You can also use MetaMask transaction insight Snaps in your MetaMask browser extension for additional insights into transactions on MetaMask.

Key Takeaways

  • Security browser extensions claim to offer improved transaction safety by analyzing users’ transactions and delivering a detailed explanation of the transaction and what it could mean for the user and their assets.

  • They are packaged in browser extension applications and are compatible with most web browsers. Users can call these applications (automatically or manually) before executing a transaction to gain insights.

  • Security browser extensions are not limited to transaction analysis, they also offer connection analysis and general wallet health checks. Connection analysis and access revoke security browser extensions help users assess past and sustained web3 connections and revoke access where needed.

  • Some examples of security browser extensions include BlowFish, Wallet Guard, Pocket Universe, Web3 antivirus, Revoke.cash, and others.

As crypto grows in popularity, so does the increase in scams. According to an X (Twitter) post by ScamSniffer over $60 million was lost in personal wallet exploitations using wallet drainers in the past 6 months. Scam artists are also becoming more creative, making it harder for users to spot the danger, which is where security browser extensions come into play. These security browser extensions can warn you about malicious sites and questionable transactions before you sign them and grant scammers access to your funds. 

While security browser extensions are a tool to protect you, they can also be a potential vector for attacks, so always do your own research and check on what permissions you are granting to these add ons. 

What Are Security Browser Extensions?

Security browser extensions are applications focused on improving user safety for cryptocurrency investors. They could be standalone applications, or designed to work alongside other applications like cryptocurrency wallets. They offer investors actionable insights into transactions and general wallet safety, and some can guide users through the implementation process for the recommended safety measures. Generally, security browser extensions hope to provide solutions to known security threats in the crypto space, and are also designed to scale up to address threats that could emerge in the future.

Security browser extensions employ several solutions to provide precautionary security services to prevent security breaches. One of these is advanced data sourcing and analysis. Applications that adopt this approach collect security-related data about smart contracts, signing requests and web3 platforms, analyze these data, and parse them through resources like blocklists. With the obtained information, they inform users of their safety status and recommend security precautions to their users.


Why Are Security Browser Extensions Important?

Before the rise of modern web3 platforms, ensuring a strong wallet password and properly storing your wallet passphrase and private keys was almost enough to keep user assets safe, as most phishing hacks only socially engineer users to give up their passwords or their private keys.

However, current security threats are advanced and are still getting better. Meanwhile, wallet interactions with advanced protocols are at a record high. Security threats have evolved from password and passphrase theft, to wallet invasion through message signing and wallet drainers, malicious address and smart contract tokens, honeypot liquidity pools, and several other strategies. These risks are direct and usually result in significant losses.

Security browser extensions are important as a direct approach to countering these risks. These alert users to potential threats before they engage in any transactions, improving investor security. Most security browser extensions are free to use at time of writing, and require little technical expertise on the part of the users.

Now, let’s look at some of the top security browser extensions and how they protect your funds. The below security browser extensions are listed in order of their estimated web traffic according to Similarweb data. 

AegisWeb3 – Realtime Detection of Scam Tokens and Phishing Sites


AegisWeb3 is a multi-purpose security browser extension available for Chrome and Edge browser users, developed by the PeckShield security firm. AegisWeb3 claims to have identified over 170,000 malicious websites to date through an average of one million daily scans. The bulk of AegisWeb3 utilities relies on advanced data sourcing and analysis of security risks. Using this strategy, the application is able to present relevant information on the status of different user activities. Some of the security services offered by AegisWeb3 include;

Phishing Site Detection

Malicious web3 platforms can disguise themselves as the original website and gain access to user funds when they connect their wallets to the platform. This is a common scenario and AegisWeb3 hopes to curb incidents from platforms like this through its phishing site detection application. Users can scan suspicious websites using the application to gain insights into the authenticity and safety of these platforms.

Access Revoke

Connection to Web3 platforms is usually sustained; therefore, even after disconnecting wallets from a web3 platform, the platform or the smart contract still retains access to users’ wallets. In case of a security breach or intentional foul play, users who have previously connected to the website can lose their funds. AegisWeb3 claims to scan through users’ wallets to detect this sustained access and revoke them.

Smart Contract Examination

AegisWeb3 also offers a thorough screen of smart contracts to detect inconsistencies that could pose a threat to users. The smart contract examination application checks for possible backdoors, exploitable loopholes, and unintentional security threats, and alerts users before they interact with such smart contracts.

Transaction Simulation

The transaction simulation application ‘moves ahead’ of the user. It runs a test version of the transaction off the loop and provides users with an idea of what will happen when the transaction is executed. Users are made aware of the implications of the transaction. In cases such as message signing or running a claim, it informs users of possible extra events that are not made clear by the smart contract developer; users can get more details on this by viewing the simulated transaction. AegisWeb3 claims to have protected over 140,000 cryptocurrency investors to date via the transaction simulation application.

Anti-rugpull System

The AegisWeb3 anti-rugpull system is still in development at the time of writing. It claims that the anti-rugpull application will be able to assist investors in monitoring rugpull actions on the blockchain and also help them salvage their investments in case a rugpull is detected. It claims to do this by automating a sale transaction on behalf of the users before the rugpull is executed. The beta version of the rugpull application is already available for the Ethereum network and BNB Smart Chain.

Security Telegram Bot

The AegisWeb3 security facility can also be integrated into the Telegram messenger. Users can access security services like smart contract examination and token scanning from the comfort of their Telegram application.

Pocket Universe – Transaction Insights and User Insurance


Pocket Universe is a transaction insight security browser extension. It is available for Chrome, Edge, and Firefox browsers, and the team claims to be working on a mobile version for iOS devices. Pocket Universe runs a check on user transactions to obtain in-depth data and screen for security-related information. It provides users with a briefing on the events that will take place if the transaction is signed and how it might affect the users. Users get a proper awareness of the operation they are executing and due labeling on the safety status of the operation. This serves a purpose in cases where users interact with potentially malicious smart contracts.

Pocket Universe claims to analyze over 100,000 transactions daily and is being used by over 86,000 cryptocurrency investors. It claims to have also saved users over $250 million through precautionary warnings. 

It also runs an insurance program for users. Pocket Universe claims to insure users up to $2,000. This only applies to users who executed transactions after receiving a green light from the application. Affected users who fall under the eligible criteria can make the insurance claim on the project’s discord channel, although users who run into losses after ignoring the application’s warnings are not covered by the insurance program.

Pocket Universe supports over 5 blockchain networks at the time of writing. This includes Ethereum, BSC, Base, Polygon, and Arbitrum networks.

Wallet Guard – URL Scanner and Transaction Simulation for User Security


Wallet Guard claims to serve over 50,000 cryptocurrency investors across 4 blockchain networks (Arbitrum, Ethereum, Optimism, and Polygon) and has saved users over $40 million through proactive security measures. Wallet Guard claims to offer a multi-layered defense to users through advanced security analysis systems. Security applications in the Wallet Guard ecosystem include; a URL scanner, transaction simulation protocol, and the new ‘Stormwatcher’.

URL Scanner

The Wallet Guard URL scanner analyzes web3 and web2 websites to detect irregularities. It claims to be able to pick out inconsistencies in web platforms and alert users of the safety level of the platform before they connect their wallets or perform any relevant operations. The application detects platforms and smart contracts in blocklists and informs users promptly.

Transaction Simulation Protocol

The transaction simulation protocol detects the full events attached to smart contract operations like claims and signing messages. The full results of these transactions (some of which might be intentionally hidden and malicious) are presented to the user, making them fully aware of what could happen when they approve the transaction from their wallets. Wallet Guard claims to have simulated over 4 million transactions at the time of writing, offering insights for each simulation.


Stormwatcher is Wallet Guard’s flagship wallet drainers detector. Wallet Guard claims to be advancing efforts in curbing the effect of wallet drainers by enhancing the abilities of the Stormwatcher and decreasing the dependence on blocklists. According to the project the application functions by analyzing patterns among malicious websites and turning the detection from reactive to proactive. By design, this is meant to maintain the potency of the detector as foul players modify their operation techniques.

The Wallet Guard extension is available for Edge, Chrome, and Firefox browsers. There is also a MetaMask Snap version of the application available.

Revoke.cash – Recall Smart Contract Permissions


Revoke.cash claims to give users the ability to regain (maintain) full control of their wallets after connecting to any Web3 platform or interacting with any smart contract. By connecting to a protocol or signing a message, users give certain access that cannot be completely revoked by simply disconnecting their wallets from the platform.  

Unrevoked permissions can give a smart contract protocol access to your assets even when you are not actively using the platform. Revoke.cash claims to allow users to reclaim these permissions completely. Revoke.cash screens users’ wallets when they connect to the platform, detects the active permissions, and removes them at the will of the user.

Revoke.cash presents a precautionary measure and a way to curb losses as well. As a precautionary measure, users save themselves from attack in case a platform they connected to in the past gets hacked. In case users are hacked due to unrevoked access, they can also use Revoke.cash to regain full support of their wallets and prevent further losses.

The access revoke feature can be used directly without installing the browser extension. However, installing the Revoke.cash browser extension enables the platform analysis feature. The extension screens websites visited by the user and presents them with a security analysis. It also runs transaction simulations and informs users of threatening events that might result from signing a message or approving a transaction. 

The browser extension is available for Chrome, Firefox, and Edge browsers. Revoke.cash supports several blockchain networks, including BSC, Ethereum, Polygon and Layer 2 networks Arbitrum and Optimism.

Fire – Web3 Transaction Simulator


The Fire browser extension has been installed by over 40,000 users. It is a transaction simulation application and claims to give users complete insight into the transactions they are performing. The Fire extension reads the smart contract to be signed by the users and unwraps the complete terms of the transaction, before presenting these details to the user. By this, users know what they are actually agreeing to as they sign the transaction and then decide on proceeding with the transaction. It indicates transactions that may seem harmful and provides users with a simulation of the completed transaction. 

The Fire extension is available for Firefox, Edge, and Chrome browsers. The application currently supports Ethereum, Polygon, and Layer 2 networks Optimism and Arbitrum.

Web3 Antivirus (W3A) – Multipurpose Safety Browser Extension for Web3


Web3 Antivirus (W3A)is an ecosystem of security-focused applications and protocols. The W3A browser extension is available for Chrome, Firefox, and Edge browsers, with a MetaMask Snap version also available. Web3 Antivirus supports the Ethereum network only at this time; however, the project hints at launching on Polygon and Arbitrum networks as well. It adopts advanced data analysis and prompt reports in tackling security issues in the web3 space. It claims to protect users from security risks like reentrancy attacks, ice phishing attacks, honey pots, fake websites, and others. Services offered by the W3A include;

Smart Contract Analysis

Web3 Antivirus can run advanced checks on smart contracts. Users can supply the application with a smart contract address to get detailed information on the properties and possible security risks of the smart contract. Web3 Antivirus claims that its smart contract audit application can detect vulnerabilities, dangerous logic, and intentionally compromising access to user assets.

Transaction Simulation

Like other similar applications, Web3 Antivirus’ transaction simulation protocol claims to provide insights into transactions before execution. It claims to run a check on the underlying smart contract, decipher the complete agreement in the contract, and inform users of the actual outcome of the transaction. This warns users of malicious claims or message-signing transactions that give foul players undue access to users’ wallets.

Token Analysis

W3A claims that its token analysis application can obtain extra information on smart contract tokens. It presents information such as the time of token creation, and the token creator’s profile. It whitelists verified smart contracts for NFTs and fungible tokens so users can ascertain the safety level of the tokens before interacting with them.

Phishing Website Detection

Web3 Antivirus claims to help users detect malicious websites by running the domain information through several blocklists and allowlists to validate the platform’s safety. It alerts users of any irregularity detected.

BlowFish – Transaction Simulation Security Browser Extension


Blowfish warns users of security risks lying ahead in the transaction they wish to perform. It runs a ‘simulation’ by verifying the agreements of the smart contract and deciphering the outcome of the transaction the user is requested to sign. It claims that this approach protects users in case of malicious smart contracts with extra access embedded into regular operations like signing a message or performing a claim operation, which are usually seen in phishing websites. 

With a detailed explanation of the transaction outcome, users are duly informed of the dangers that lie ahead. Blowfish currently supports over 10 blockchain networks including Ethereum, Arbitrum, Optimism, and Polygon networks and claims to have scanned over 380 million transactions and prevented over 400,000 scams, saving investors over $1 billion in the process since it launched the beta version of the application in April 2022. 

The Blowfish browser extension is available for Chrome, Edge, and Firefox browsers.

Honorable Mention: MetaMask Transaction Insight Snaps

MetaMask Snaps allow developers to build applications that leverage MetaMask wallet facilities. MetaMask has a section of Snaps dedicated to transaction insights, with the goal of improving wallet security. These Snaps provide more insights into transactions, such as the likely outcomes of the transaction and the legitimacy of a wallet address. With MetaMask transaction insight Snaps, which are embedded into the MetaMask wallet, users can obtain this information as part of the transaction confirmation process. Some of the applications featured above (like Wallet Guard and Web3 Antivirus) have MetaMask Snap versions of the security browser extensions. 

For an idea of how transaction insight Snaps work on MetaMask, let’s take a look at the Tenderly TX Preview Snap. 

Tenderly TX Preview is a transaction simulation application; it reviews the details of regular and smart contract transactions and provides users with a simple explanation of the action that will take place when the transaction is approved. Users can also verify the simulation details using the simulation link provided by the application  As a MetaMask Snap, Tenderly TX preview uses the MetaMask interface and users get a side-by-side view of the transaction simulation results. The Tenderly MetaMask Snap supports over 30 EVM networks, including Ethereum, Arbitrum, Optimism, and Base. 

Final Thoughts

With crypto and blockchain technology, you are your own bank. This works for censorship resistance, privacy, and easy wealth management; but comes with a great responsibility as well. At the blockchain level, lost funds are not recoverable; therefore the most effective approach to security is prevention. 

Security browser extensions offer users a way to receive transaction insights, smart contract analysis, phishing detection, and more. Generally, a regular user will need at least two of these applications as they differ considerably in the services they offer. However, one drawback is that some of the services are limited to selected networks, although this could change in the future.

In this article, we reviewed some of these applications and the services they offer. It is important to mention that this might not be exhaustive of existing security browser extensions, however, security precautions are advised when using any of these applications, including the ones featured in this article. As much as possible, try to understand how these applications interact with your wallet and the possible risks from using them, as they may pose security risks as well. This article is not meant to be taken as financial advice; always do your own research before downloading and granting permissions to any application.