• Sun. Jul 7th, 2024

Interact With Protocols on Sei to Improve Airdrop Eligibility

Improve Sei Airdrop Eligibility

Key Takeaways

  • Sei network is a Layer 1 designed for trading that is built on the Cosmos network and compatible with the EVM. It has already launched its testnets and are getting ready for the launch of the main network.

  • Sei network has announced that 1% of the Sei token supply will be allocated to their incentivized testnet and early members of the Sei community.

  • Some ways to improve eligibility include interacting with protocols and performing other related activities.

Sei network is a Layer 1 blockchain designed for DeFi trading applications, with unique features like a Closed Limit Order Book (CLOB) and it is built on the Cosmos network. The Sei network testnet has been running for a while now with different versions launched over the past months, and cryptocurrency enthusiasts are already testing out the functionalities of the network. With the project announcing that it is allocating 1% of the SEI token supply to the community, airdrop hunters are looking out for opportunities to net themselves more tokens. 

Sei has already released an incentivized testnet platform with a number of missions that participants can carry out to receive rewards. However, submissions for these missions are already closed.

If you’ve missed the incentivized testnet missions, here are some additional ideas to improve your chances of qualifying for an airdrop in the event the Sei network team decides to airdrop a portion of the community allocation to early adopters of the network. 

Do note that we don’t have any concrete proof that the Sei network team will distribute a part of the community airdrop tokens to early adopters outside of the incentivized testnet missions, and this article basically takes you through activities that might improve your chances of qualifying based on experience from similar airdrop programs.

Alright, here are a few things you will need for this guide:

The Keplr wallet to access the Cosmos network. Click here to download the application or extension for your browser.

Set up your wallet and head over to the next steps.

Step 1: Obtaining Test Tokens

To use the test network, we will use some testnet tokens. Visit the Sei network faucet to apply for testnet tokens. on the faucet platform, connect your wallet and complete the required procedures to apply for SEI and UST2 tokens. Once your application is successful, your tokens will be sent to your wallet.

You can also claim more testnet tokens on the Sei Discord channel, Visit the Discord channel, join, and apply for testnet tokens on the faucet channel after completing your verification. After receivinf the testnet tokens, proceed to the next step.

2. Switch to the Sei Test Network on Your Keplr Wallet.

Sei Test Network

Click the caret beside Cosmos Hub on the landing page of your wallet and scroll down to Sei Atlantic-2, then select the network to access the testnet and your testnet tokens.

3. Interact With Network Protocols

Now let’s register our presence on the Sei testnet by interacting with a few protocols on the network. We will start by staking some of the SEI we received from the faucet.

Click here to visit the staking portal, connect your wallet, select a preferred validator, and stake a portion of your testnet tokens. In the screenshot above, we staked 0.4SEI; staking over 0.2SEI is recommended.

3a. Interact With SparrowSwap

SparrowSwap is a decentralized exchange that is planned to launch on the Sei main network when it goes live. However, the application is already deployed on the test network, so let’s test out some of its features while we continue to register our presence on the Sei network. SparrowSwap allows you to swap cryptocurrencies, and earn crypto through staking and yield farming. We will go through each of these tasks.

First, visit the platform and connect your wallet  Keplr and Leap Wallet are both accepted on the platform. Connect your wallet and navigate to the ‘Swap’ interface. Swap a portion of the Sei testnet tokens in your wallet for any of the supported tokens on the platform.


Here, I swapped 0.27 SEI for RUM token, and do ensure that you have enough SEI left for other activities.

Now let’s add liquidity as well.

With SEI and RUM tokens (or any token you swapped above), select the applicable pool and add liquidity via the usual process. Proceed to the Farm to stake your LP token and earn more testnet tokens as rewards.

Now, let us stake some tokens in the staking pool.

After staking, check back in a few minutes to claim any reward that may have accrued.

3b. Interact With EclipsePad

EclipsePad is a launchpad on the Cosmos network, and is also live on the Sei testnet. Here we will interact with the platform and purchase some test Jumanji tokens on the IDO platform. Note that these tokens are for test purposes only.

Visit the Jumanji launchpad on EclipsePad and connect your wallet. Click ‘Buy $Manji’ to enter the IDO interface. Subscribe to the IDO according to the amount of test USDC tokens in your wallet and your IDO allocation.

Engaging with Sei Through Blocked and the Leap Wallet

Now let’s also perform some activities on the Sei testnet as recommended by Blocked. Visit the mission website, set up your Blocked account and follow them on Twitter, also join the project’s Discord channel.

Now, download the Leap Wallet browser extension and set up your account. Alternatively, you can also import your Keplr wallet to Leap Wallet and continue on your mission.

Having set up your account, proceed to complete the missions as shown on the page. Make sure to complete and record the required proof for the social tasks.

Also, keep tabs on other projects launching on Sei testnet and interact with them as much as possible. You can claim more testnet tokens on the faucet every 24 hours. Since activities on the main network could also be a criterion, you can also keep yourself updated about projects you are interested in, and be one of the first to use the applications on the main network when it launches. Some projects in the Sei ecosystem might also run an airdrop program, and interacting with these protocols could net you even more airdrops!

Final Thoughts

While a native token is confirmed, along with an allocation of 1% for Seinami Testnet rewards, the criteria for choosing beneficiaries might differ from these predicted activities. Do note that even though this guide is meant to improve your chances of receiving a share of these tokens, it is not a guarantee that you will receive these tokens even if the project finally runs such programs in the future.

In addition, it is also important to be vigilant and take positive precautions to protect your investments from fake airdrops and misleading information related to airdrops. Also, note that this article is only educational and not financial advice.