• Sun. Jul 7th, 2024

10 Best Crypto and NFT Podcasts to Learn About Crypto in 2023

Key Takeaways:

  • The list of best crypto and NFT podcasts to listen to in 2023 includes Blockcrunch, What Bitcoin Did, Unchained, Bankless, Rugradio, The Scoop, GreenPill, A16z, NGMI, UpOnly, and CoinGecko Podcasts, which cover cryptocurrency projects, DeFi, NFTs, thought leadership, and more.

  • These podcasts are ideal for entertainment and learning and will keep you up-to-date with the evolving Web3 landscape wherever you are and whatever you are doing – exercising, commuting, walking your pet, etc.

Though crypto and non-fungible tokens (NFTs) are becoming mainstream, blockchain technology is in a constant state of development. With the crypto and NFT landscapes rapidly growing, along with the increasing popularity of DeFi, investors and enthusiasts need to keep abreast of industry news and trends. If you enjoy listening to podcasts on Spotify, Apple, Google, or other platforms, you’ll love our list of the top 10 crypto and NFT podcasts to follow in 2023. Regardless of whether you are new to the world of crypto and NFTs, or whether you are an expert, you’ll find a podcast that will provide you with new insights into the crypto space. 

Let’s get started.

1. Blockcrunch: The Go-to Podcast for Crypto Native Investors

Blockcrunch is a cryptocurrency-native podcast for decentralized finance (DeFi), NFTs, and Web3. Jason Choi, a blockchain entrepreneur and investor, has been hosting the podcast since 2018. It focuses on the latest news, developments, and projects in the space. In addition to discussing current events, the podcast also delves into the history of blockchain technology. Notable coverage includes interviews with industry leaders and experts on the state of the market, along with discussions of specific projects and companies within the blockchain space. Overall, Blockcrunch aims to provide a comprehensive and in-depth look at the blockchain industry for enthusiasts and newcomers alike, while putting the spotlight on interesting projects and what they’re doing in the crypto space.

2. The What Bitcoin Did Podcast: The #1 Bitcoin Podcast 

What Bitcoin Did is a tri-weekly podcast show hosted by Peter McCormack, a well-known figure in the cryptocurrency industry. The podcast covers a wide range of topics related to crypto and NFTs, including the latest news and developments in the space, and in-depth analysis and critical examination of the various issues and controversies surrounding bitcoin. McCormack invites various experts and industry leaders as guests, providing listeners with diverse perspectives on the crypto world. Other topics covered on the What Bitcoin Did podcast includes geopolitics, social justice, and nuclear power.

Notable coverage includes interviews with crypto industry names such as Andreas Antonopoulos, Adam Back, and Saifedean Ammous.

3. Unchained: Your No-Hype Resource on All Things Crypto

Unchained is a crypto podcast hosted by former Forbes senior editor Laura Shin. The podcast is based on cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology, focusing on the latest news. Shin interviews a wide range of experts and professionals in the field, including entrepreneurs, investors, and academics, to provide in-depth analysis and perspective on the rapidly evolving world of crypto. 

Every Tuesday, Unchained interviews industry leaders and thinkers regarding trending crypto topics. On Fridays, the host recaps the entire week’s key happenings and conducts a Q&A session covering the juiciest news of the week. Overall, Unchained offers a comprehensive look at the world of crypto and blockchain through her interviews, making it a valuable resource for those interested in staying up-to-date on the latest developments in the field. Unchained is also home to The Chopping Block, where four early-stage crypto investors discuss the latest event in the space. 

4. Bankless: Your Ultimate Guide to the Crypto Space

 Bankless is a podcast hosted by Ryan Sean Adams, the founder of Mythos Capital, an investment company in the crypto space. The podcast provides listeners with the latest news and insights on blockchain technology, cryptocurrency investment tips, and the history of money. Ryan and his guests also discuss various topics related to the DeFi ecosystem, including NFTs, smart contracts, and the future of money. 

Notable podcast guests include Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin, the CEO of ChainGuardian, Jameson Lopp, and United States senator, Sen. Toomey. The podcast strongly focuses on educating the masses, while sharing strategies for investing in crypto and NFTs. Overall, Bankless is a valuable resource for anyone investing in blockchain and cryptocurrency and who wants to learn more about the space.

5. Rug Radio: A Crypto Podcast for the People, by the People

Rug Radio claims to be the first genuinely decentralized web3 media platform. Unlike other podcasts, Rugradio members and hosts own the podcast. The podcast believes it’s building a platform where the incentives are tailored to truth, ownership, and long-term vision for all the participants. Ownership implies the audience has a hand in what is aired, how it’s aired, and the incentives generated through the podcast. 

Every Monday at 5 pm EST, Lori Grace and MJ hosts the Elevate show. The show promotes women, nonbinary, and other minority groups via exclusive interviews, sharing important news, and featuring artists. Every Tuesday at 2 pm EST, Kristina and Jesse Soleil host the Web3 Queeroes show, featuring the best queer artists, content creators, and industry think tanks. To gain access, you need a Rug Radio Membership Pass, which also opens up Rug Radio’s Genesis NFT collection, which will let you earn the RUG utility token. 

6. ngmi: Web3 and NFT 

ngmi is a web3 and NFT comedy podcast hosted by Kmoney and Champ. The podcast covers topics mostly related to NFTs, including the insights from artists and creators behind NFT collectibles like DeGods and Pudgy Penguins, and mainstream celebrities like Seth Green and M Shadows from Avenged Sevenfold.

NGMI features interviews with industry experts and thought leaders and discussions on the potential implications of NFTs and crypto for various industries. Notable coverage includes discussions on the booming NFT market, the rise of NFTs in the art world, and the potential use cases for NFTs in gaming and the metaverse.  

7. The Scoop: The Block’s Flagship Podcast

The Scoop is a weekly cryptocurrency podcast hosted by Frank Chaparro. The podcast covers the latest news and developments in the crypto industry, focusing on fintech, crypto, regulation, and blockchain technology. Chaparro interviews crypto project leaders and experts to provide in-depth analysis and insights on current events and trends, while sharing additional data from The Block Research.

Notable coverage on the podcast includes discussions on the growth of cryptocurrencies, the rise of fintech, and the impact of digital assets on traditional financial institutions. Overall, the Scoop podcast offers listeners insights from crypto personalities, while also sharing highlights and features from The Block Research, so you can catch up with the latest reports and insights while staying informed about the latest developments and trends.

8. GreenPill: Crypto-Economic Systems That Create Positive Externalities

Kevin Owocki, the founder of Gitcoin, hosts GreenPill.co – where developers and investors join hands to build the open web. The podcast is based on crypto-economic models that positively change users and the world, with a focus on regenerative finance (ReFi). It explores the application of digital currencies, game theory, and economic models. Kevin searches for new ways to fund, design, create, and market regenerative crypto use cases. Basically, the show is trying to initiate a meme of regenerative web3 economics in the world. 

Tune into the GreenPill podcast to learn more about blockchain creators solving coordination problems and building a more regenerative system using Ethereum.  

9. A16z: All About Technology and Change

The A16z Podcast is worth listening to as it features discussions centered on tech, innovation, and change and how these influence our lives. The podcast covers a broad range of topics – from technology trends to culture to business management for businesses of all sizes. Andreessen Horowitz, a Silicon Valley-based venture capital firm, hosts the A16z episodes. The firm releases several weekly episodes featuring industry experts, business leaders, and other world thinkers and voices, like Neal Stephenson, who coined the term “metaverse,” and is the guest for a conversation on the topic.

From technology trends to business management and innovation, the podcast’s guests – directed by Andreessen – shed light on how we arrived here and where we are based on their experiences and knowledge. 

10. UpOnly: Currently on Hiatus?

Originally, UpOnly is a podcast hosted by Cobie and Ledger every Thursday at 8 pm UTC for the main show. It focuses on news in the cryptocurrency and blockchain space. The hosts provide insights and analysis on the latest developments in the industry and sometimes sprinkle in some goodies to the listeners. 

UpOnly also features interviews with leading figures in the crypto and blockchain space, providing listeners with a wide range of perspectives and insights. The podcast has covered notable topics such as the rise of DeFi, NFTs, and the growing mainstream adoption of cryptocurrencies. Overall, UpOnly is a valuable resource for anyone interested in staying informed on the rapidly evolving world of crypto and blockchain.

Do note that as of time of writing, UpOnly seems to be on hiatus as its hosts have left. 

Bonus: CoinGecko Podcasts

Tune in to the CoinGecko podcast if you want to learn the finer details about crypto, blockchain, DeFi, NFTs, fintech, and web3 applications. CoinGecko hosts the brightest minds, thinkers, and builders in the cryptocurrency industry to bring web3 knowledge to listeners.

The podcast’s goal is to give listeners a deeper understanding of the crypto market, and it covers various topics including the latest news and trends, featuring some of the most exciting projects in the space. Do note that the CoinGecko podcast is currently on hiatus and there won’t be any new episodes released at the moment.


The crypto and NFT space is filled with diverse podcasts that offer valuable insights and perspectives on the latest developments and trends. Keeping up with crypto through the best crypto and NFT podcasts of 2023 provides you with informative and up-to-date coverage of the crypto and NFT space, while featuring unique perspectives and analyses.